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Criteria and Guidelines

Spirit of MAWLE Award

One goal of the Massachusetts Association of Women in Law Enforcement is to recognize the exceptional accomplishments achieved by women within the field of law enforcement. To honor these women, who by their overall service and accomplishments within their careers have distinguished themselves in the areas of excellence in performance, leadership, mentoring, courage, and/or community service, the Spirit of MAWLE Award has been created.

  1. Excellence in Performance
    To be awarded to a woman within the law enforcement field who distinguishes herself through superior attention to duty or outstanding investigative effort, which leads to the identification, location, or arrest of a major criminal or criminal activity.
  2. Leadership
    To be awarded to a woman within the law enforcement field who distinguishes herself by superior accomplishments or continuing, long term involvement, using leadership skills that encompass but are not limited to problem solving, planning, organizational, communication and/or administrative which make a significant contribution within the agency or the law enforcement mission.
  3. Mentoring
    To be awarded to a woman within the law enforcement field who distinguishes herself with her support and assistance to women in law enforcement, development of programs or policies favorable to women, serving on committees or organizations that review women’s issues.
  4. Courage
    To be awarded to a woman within the law enforcement field who distinguishes herself by an act of bravery or heroism, at risk of her own personal safety or in the face of great danger, above and beyond the call of duty. The Medal of Valor may be awarded to as many nominated officers as qualify.
  5. Community Service
    To be awarded to a woman within the law enforcement field who distinguishes herself by superior accomplishments through developing, designing, implementing and participating in programs involving communities and law enforcement, which include neighborhoods, school, community meetings, and businesses.
  6. Civilian Achievement
    To be awarded to a civilian woman within the law enforcement field who distinguishes herself by outstanding achievements and who has gone above and beyond to support, promote and enhance the criminal justice profession.
  7. Lifetime Achievement
    To be awarded to a woman within the law enforcement field who has made a significant contribution to the law enforcement profession and their community, through exceptional dedication, professionalism, and compassion, with over 20 years of dedicated service.
  8. MAWLE Heritage Award
    To be awarded to an individual member for their significant contributions to women in law enforcement and the Massachusetts Association of Women in Law Enforcement organization.  This honor is meant to ensure recognition and appreciation for outstanding and dedicated service to MAWLE.